*Hello Bloggers all over the world! So it's been a while since I actually blog about something else rather than a MONDAY night. haha, so lets see what do I have to say? Congrats to my sister Yang and brotherinlaw Steven for having their 2nd baby girl! Her name is Faith Lia Her born on August 26th, weighing 7.5 pounds at 20 inches! I'm so excited to see her next week. My sister lives in Bremerton which is about an hr and half drive unless you take the Seattle ferry which takes about an hr or so but we prefer driving to save money! heheh! Shes our second niece to the family, she will be filled with love just like her bigger sister Joyce! Talking about baby girls, I can't wait to have another little one. I'm hoping for a girl, but if I get another boy, I'll love it too because my son NEEDS a sibling. I feel so bad for my baby when he's playing with his little toy cars which he takes his little fingers and push it back and forth til he gets tired and throws them in the fireplace. :)
I'm spending Friday night on the computer on FB and looking around youtube at makeup gurus. So many beautiful and inspiring makeup artist! :) If your a make up artist please leave your link below the comment section and I'm more than happy to subscribe and look at your videos. :D I love makeup and fashion. I don't have big bucks to buy expensive things, but keeping up with trends is nice. My little boy is crawling around and being close by his daddy. The hubby and two of his buddies are over drinking and playing spades/bomb. Nothing too much really. Hoping to spend tomorrow doing something productive! Might go over to a friend's house and visit her new born baby who was born on the 21st of August. :) So many babies this yr. Anyone reading my blog planning to have a little one? :) Will this is my friday night, what are you up doing?
Love, Angela C.
Hi Angela!:D thanks for the honest opinion, you are such a sweetheart. Anyways,I was just trying out something different for a Halloween look, even though It's still far away. Haha oh I don't have a youtube account :( I think there are many great make-up gurus out there already and plus I don't think I'm that good, hahah I'm still learning.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a beautiful tattoo! I hope you get it, i love when moms gets a tattoo to remind them of their baby. :) To me the feather represents freedom so i'll always remember to never let anyone change me and hold me down. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Angela, Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and the lovely comments. The baby is adorable. It's often hard to tell with newborns but she is so cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm always tempted to buy new makeup but I keep on reminding myself, how many shades of brown, black and tan do I need. That's what saves me money for more clothes =)